
Wow, what an amazing and emotional journey. I feel so completely different I wanted to write to you to express my thanks. I would never have believed my life could have changed so dramatically and within such a short time, if I hadn't have experienced it myself.

All my life I have felt insecure and "not good enough", really unhappy and not wanting to be here. My relationships were failing, and yet I felt I was trying so hard. Life seemed so difficult but I was terrified of being happy.

I had started to feel like I had this crazy wild thing inside me driving my life and making bad decisions, but felt I had no control over it. Then I would beat myself up for not being able to control it - other people could control their lives, why couldn't I? Now that I have remembered my bottled up experience and emotion, when I was a little girl of four years old, I know that the crazy wild thing was actually the damaged and hurting little girl inside me who was desperately crying out for help.

I had no idea what was wrong with me and you helped me find my way. I can now step outside the invisible bars of my cage and begin to live my life. Accept and enjoy fun and love in my life.

I am so proud of myself, I am handling things so much better - even my relationship, which previously I was destroying by my needy, clingy behaviour. I now feel in control of my emotions, rather than them controlling me and being completely off the scale. I now have my adult in charge of running my life, not my desperate, hurting four year old. I can look after us both now.

I now realize the power of my thoughts and feel excited about my future. For the first time ever - I am completely happy that I am me. I believe in myself at last!!!

I felt completely supported all the way through. The best money I have ever spent.

Thank you so so much.