
Ok, so this is going to sound bizarre but my sessions with David finished back in June, yet I am only just writing this testimonial and there is a huge reason for that but all the same… Sorry David!

There is a specific reason for the delay which I will discuss later down the testimonial, but let’s just say I was putting David’s hard work to test….. And it would have been unfair to provide an accurate testimonial without putting the hypnoanalysis to its real test… again this will be more apparent as you read further (sorry again David!)

So here is my story….

I came to David back in August 2012 with some confidence issues, I had just taken on a new job and my role required a lot of customer/external stakeholder liaisons to which I never felt articulate/confident in performing, my concepts were always spot on… my execution was never brilliant! But also the fact that I was clenching my teeth at night which was casing me physical pain as well as having the emotional symptoms.

At the first session I felt so comfortable with David, felt I was actually talking to some long lost friend about all my issues in life, David listened, observed and never questioned my negative outlook towards life. What I assumed were just mere confident issues became a session of a verbal outbreak from one emotional explosion to another.

Negative about my looks/my marriage/my life/my whole world, but my body/looks confidence being the worst. I remember David saying at the first session that when begin to have the sessions you will have the urge to resist as you will become afraid of what may unfold deep rooted within, every symptom has a cause which is deep rooted within us David said…. He wasn’t half right about both! I did resist, I never made it to my 3rd session and the clenching, the negativity continued but I just assumed I'll be OK, il just keep thinking positive and to the outer world I did come across as confident/articulate/outshining but inside I was a mere train crash, always having this awful gut churning feeling that everybody sees me as a freak, useless, incompetent.

What did help was that I had a fantastic husband, who was my soul mate….. no matter how much I hated/criticised myself, my husband always bought me back to my inner peace… his comfort words, his endless hugs and his positive approach towards life was what I thrived on… without that I was a lost soul without a path, he was my path, our marriage wasn’t perfect but it had something, something that was always worth hanging onto….. as well as my loving 15 yr old son everything seemed more or less perfect in an intangible sense.

However….. 4 months later I would hit the worst time of my life I could have possibly imagined, my husband broke the news to me that he had been seeing someone else for 3 months and wanted to leave the marriage…. What happened thereafter is very personal but to provide it in a nutshell no matter how much I begged/pleaded/cried, he was gone….

What I didn’t realise at that point was that being a huge believer in God, this challenge was to provide me with the biggest lesson in life, the most exceptional/rewarding/strength building challenge I would have crossed in my life and to come out a zillion times stronger.

Once I realised my marriage was officially over, I had to heal myself before I could break the news to the wider family and my son, what I didn’t want anyone to see was me as a broken woman, that would just leave a horrible aftertaste in everyone’s mouth and even to this day I cannot hear anything horrible said about my now ex-husband, he had his reasons to leave, we were soul mates, we perhaps were never lovers…. Plus it was my pain, my healing, my problem…. Why should I burden anyone else with it, after all each lesson in life is personal to us and is there to help us evolve, make us stronger…. Not to burden others.

What I was trying to hold onto wasn’t a marriage it was just my support mechanism/my comfort zone and without it I was fearful of not being able.

Ex-hubbi left me in March, and that day he packed his bags and left, I sent my son out as I was not sure of my intentions…. I remember falling to the floor that night and crying, crying so much that I felt the pain to the core of my stomach and screamed out for help the fear of being alone on this journey without being able to reach to family and friends was immense, but that very night that help came….. I felt a presence that picked me up….

The first thing I did on waking up is txt David, ‘I urgently need to see you’, what I realised at that point is I now need to build my very own strong support mechanism, even stronger than what my ex-hubbi provided, I need to become a woman of substance, I need to make my inner strength so strong that I never have to depend on anyone but myself. I began to have this urge that my life ahead is to be lived to it’s full capacity… it helped me take my steps forward, but inside as David had once said, there was too many other emotions from the past locked up which would not allow any new thoughts/emotions to filter through….

When I went back to David in May, again David sat and listened and observed….. the sessions began and slowly as they unfolded…. the deeper I went into my inner past, the more I realised how deep rooted my issues were than I had originally anticipated…

What I will say at this point is the sessions are not easy, they can be disturbing/exhausting and very very emotional but please please mark my words, they are unbelievably worth it!

David said at the onset that once you have released your negative emotion…. You will feel as though you are walking on air! David was not wrong, when I finished my sessions, I felt as though I was gifted with a new life…. Think of it as a PC memory, you buy a new pc and it’s blank, nothing stored, it’s what you add to it that is then stored…. It’s like that with thoughts, whatever you add/feel will store…. If you do not clear the negative and replace with the positive, you will eventually begin to feel substantially impaired. This is another reason why I wanted to deal with this break-up on my own, I needed to understand what I felt, what I learn from this what I need to do moving forward without any outer influence.

Post sessions I slowly began to feel more confident, I began thinking of a plan for the latter part of my life, I broke the news to my friends and family of the split and convinced them I was going to be ok, that gut wrenching feeling began to disappear, I became more confident and extremely positive, nothing knocked me back anymore….life is full of challenges/obstacles… what David teaches you is not to react in a negative angry way to the challenges but to respond with your positive thoughts which will bring more and more positivity into your life.

The biggest challenge was the fear I had of telling my family of the split, how they would respond and drag me through all sorts of emotions… what if even after the sessions it bought me back to my past/the negative person I was and my memory filled with the outer influence of others as opposed to my very own positive thoughts I now wanted to have.

Fast forward 4 months….. I am managing a team of 15 analysts within the finance sector/solely looking after my own finances/home/have made plans for mine and my son’s future/not afraid of being on my own (quite enjoying it) and feel much more attractive and comfortable about myself. All the time it was within me, yet I always thrived for it off others…..

On a final note…. One thing David said to me that will never leave me till my last days is ‘Suki, you will now find the best love of your life, who will treat you like a queen, because now you are treating yourself right’ David could not be any further from the truth, and NO I HAVE NOT YET MET THE MAN OF MY DREAMS WHO I INTEND TO SPEND A LIFETIME WITH… what I have been doing is treating myself with respect/integrity and love every day, because if you do not give yourself that to begin with, do not expect it off anyone else either…. Everything that matters in your life should always start from within!

I learnt some huge lessons in 2013, but what I can say is that I almost feel invincible now, almost impervious to any pain…. I still get some thoughts of sadness… I’m only human but the now positive energy that has replaced my once deep rooted negativity always brings me back to a positive state of mind…. I am very much looking forward to my life ahead and hopefully to meet my fairy-tale love someday soon. I have plans to excel further in my career but right now my son and my work is my priorities.

What can I say David, no amount of thank you’s I say will justify how you have helped transform my life for an incredible better, but from the bottom of my heart David…. thank you thank you thank you

God bless and love to all Suki
